Theological ~ School of Alexandria
Long before the establishment of Christianity in Egypt, Alexandria was famous for her various schools, among which was the "Museum" the greatest philosophical school in the East, containing between two hundred thousand and half a million books and manuscripts. It was a unique center of a brilliant intellectual life where Egyptian, Greek and Jewish cultures were taught.
As recorded by Saint Jerome, Saint Mark himself founded the Theological School of Alexandria. He established the School for the teaching of Christianity in order to provide it as a firm foundation for the city. In time, the school became very famous; it was the oldest center of sacred sciences in the history of Christianity.
Many prominent Bishops from different parts of the world were instructed there, and it introduced into the world many Theologians, Scholars and Holy Saints - such as the Great Saint Cyril (Pillar of Faith), Saint Clement, Saint Dionysius, Saint Peter the Seal of Martyrs, Saint Didymus the Blind, Saint Athanasius (the Apostolic), Saint Basil, Saint Ignatius, Saint Severus, and the Great Scholar & Saint - Origen of Alexandria.
Origen was active in the field of commentary and the comparative study of the Holy Bible. The metaphorical way of commentary, with its deep spiritual meanings, began in Egypt.
Origen composed over 6,000 commentaries of the Bible in addition to his famous Hexapala. The Theological School of Alexandria rivaled the "Museum" and attracted and "Converted" some of its "philosophers" who later became Great Christian Church Leaders & Holy Ascetic Monastics and Saints.
Of the many influential leaders of the School of Alexandria, was Saint Athanasius who was one of the most important Deans of the School.
At the first Ecumenical Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, Saint Athanasius, at the time (a 20-year-old deacon) defended the Orthodox Christian Faith from the Heresy of “Arianism”.
Arius was a priest from Libya who denied the Divinity of Christ and taught that the Lord had been “Created within Time”.
The Council refuted Arius’ heresy and affirmed the Nicene Creed or Athanasian Creed of Faith, which is still used in whole by “almost” all Christian Churches of the East and West who remain True to the Apostolic Teachings & Faith handed down by Christ, to this very day.
“Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common Salvation, I found it necessary to write to you Exhorting You to contend earnestly for the Faith which was Once for All delivered to the Saints.
For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the Grace of Our God into lewdness and deny the Only Lord GOD and Our Lord Jesus Christ.” ~ Jude 1:3-4
“All Scripture is Given by Inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for Doctrine, for Reproof, for Correction, for Instruction in Righteousness, that the Man of GOD may be Complete, Thoroughly Equipped for Every Good Work.” ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Saint Athanasius also wrote a series of Four Books defending the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, called the "Contra Arianus".
Saint Athanasius became the Patriarch of Alexandria in 328 AD and remained Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark for 46 years.
17 Years of which - were spent in exile, on account of his vigorous opposition to the spreading of Arianism which had the support of certain beguiled emperors.